Shake it off

What is the « Shake it off »campaign?

Initiated by two mothers facing the joys and difficulties related to raising a child with a disability, Christine Luetscher Rochat and Maggie Goudy decided to take action and launch a campaign to create awareness and educate a wider public audience about the lives of people with motor disabilities. This year, their new edition invites you to shake off prejudice by taking up the challenge and creating your own “Shake It off” video using #Shake4CP

Celebrities have taken the challenge, and you?

Our “Shake It Off” celebrities have already accepted the challenge. They are asking you to do the same!


Nick Compton

Lady Marina Windsor


Thomas Wiesel 

What is the #Shake4CP challenge?

The #Shake4CP challenge invites you to shake off your prejudices of handicaps :


1. by putting colored powder or other elements (for example leaves, glitter or confetti) on your head

2. while filming yourself in slow motion

3. post your challenge video on social media with the #Shake4CP hashtag

4. and invite others to do the same.

The colored powder is available here :

Suisse – (use the following promo code : HCP2016-LAU)
France –
UK – (cherchez “Holi Powder”)
USA – (cherchez “Holi Powder”)

Campaign organization team :

Christine Luetscher Rochat – Designer graphique et directrice artistique de la campagne de sensibilisation
Raymonde Galuffo – Directrice de la communication
Howard Mutti-Mewse – Spécialiste en relations publiques